Monday, October 21, 2013


                                               (Adam is the creep dude in the background)

Adam: Season Two, Episode Five, Written by: Catherine Tregenna

This episode starts with Gwen Cooper returning to Torchwood from vacation. She sees someone in her work area; it’s not one of her colleagues, so she freaks out. Her coworkers, Jack and Ianto, rush over to Gwen thinking something’s wrong, but they notice nothing unusual. “Whois this?” Gwen asks, shocked that they’re not shocked, “Adam, remember, he’s worked here for three years.” Jack replies. Adam, the new guy, then touches Gwen on hershoulder, and then Gwen believes that Adam has been there for years. (The viewers all know something’s up now, what with the touching and the fact we have never seen him before.) Worried about Gwen, Jack and Ianto take her home. When they get to Gwen’s house, Gwen finds somebody in the house, and starts attacking him. Jack and Ianto come in yelling, “It’s Rhys!” (Gwen’s fiancée). Gwen does not remember Rhys at all, so Jack and Ianto take her back to Torchwood to take some tests to find out where her memories have gone. (Gee, I wonder whose fault that is!) As they keep a close eye on Gwen, Ianto realizes something; he never has talked about Adam in his records.Right when he is going to mention this to Jack, Adam comes up.  Adam is suspicious that Ianto knows something, and starts accusing Ianto of a number of murders. Ianto denies these accusations but then Adam touches him andIanto believes him. Ianto starts to panic because he knows he could never have murdered someone but he cant deny his memory. Ianto runs up to Jack, wanting to resign because he thinks he himself is a criminal. This is the final straw for Jack; two of his best friends are going insane. Jack realizes something; these memory mess-ups happen right after Adam touches the person. Jack does some research and discovers Adam has only popped up three days ago. Jack then hunts down Adam, demanding to what he is. It turns out that Adam is an alien who feeds off of people’s memories. Jack then threatens to kill Adam if he ever returns. Later, Jack drugs his friends and himself so they have no idea what happened over the past three days.
-This episode, when you watch it, is a filler episode,but is one of my absolute favorite episodes. I love how the writers, who built up these characters to be indestructible, just tear the characters down with this one alien showing that they are not as indestructible as we think.
-I love Ianto! And seeing him break down makes me love him even more! Ianto is probably the sweetest character on television, and to introduce a character who can convince him that he is a monster, well you just cant help but hate him.
-Rhys does not concern himself with the world of aliens or monsters, so he is just plain freaked -out. I feel so bad for Rhys because here is the person he loves and she can’t remember him. Yes, Jack and Ianto feel sorry for Gwen and Rhys, but they are aware are they can bring her memory back.  Rhys doesn’t know this and has to live in the fear that the love of his life might be gone.

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